Portuguese Foreign Relations

This Group carries out the study of social, political and cultural relations between Portugal and other countries, particularly with Brazil, Spain, Italy and Russia, with special attention paid to the contribution of Porto and Northern Portugal to these relations. Coordination of Fernando de Sousa

The main aim of this Group is the study of the relations between Portugal and other countries, mainly Brazil and Spain, but also Europe and Africa, and even other countries and continents, in an economic, social, political and cultural perspective, highlighting the contributions of Porto and Northern Portugal.

Thus, regarding Brazil, we have been researching the emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil, in order to give an important and definitive contribution to the knowledge of the number of Portuguese who emigrated to Brazil, its socio-demographic characterization, a comparison between migratory rhythms and economic evolution, the return of emigrants and the role of Portuguese emigration in the construction of contemporary Brazil. With this purpose, we have built a database with the individual records of Portuguese emigrants who moved to Brazil, complemented with the Portuguese and Brazilian legislation on emigration/ immigration between 1835 and 1947, archives and documentary funds in Portugal and Brazil, studies on this theme in digital format, and a complete inventory of sources and bibliography for the study of emigration.

Regarding Spain, the main aim is to strengthen the scientific and cultural relations that we have been developing for many years with our neighbour country, thus contributing to the knowledge and promotion of the exceptional historical, monumental and documentary heritage of the regions of Bragança and Zamora. We also wish to better understand the nature and history of these relations, carrying out historical studies, since the beginning of these relations in the moment of the foundation of Portugal until both countries joined the European Union. In this perspective, we are researching Portuguese emigration in Spain, and developing joint studies with Spanish researchers.

Regarding Europe, we highlight the study of the Portuguese presence in several European countries, such as the diplomatic and economic relations between Portugal and Russia, since its beginning, in 1834, a period during which Porto played an important role as the most important partner for the trade relations between both countries in that historic moment; and the Portuguese entrepreneurship in countries such as France and the United Kingdom.

Finally, regarding Africa, even though this research line is focused, generally speaking, on the presence of Portugal and the Portuguese in that continent (i.e. South Africa, for which a study has already been published), we aim at paying special attention to the relations with Portuguese-speaking countries, namely Angola, due to its growing importance as a regional and global player.