Volume 14, Número 2, Dezembro 2016



Federico Palomo
Procurators, religious orders and cultural circulation in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire: printed works, images (and relics) from Japan in António Cardim’s journey to Rome (1644-1646)

Rossana Agostinho Nunes
Satirical poetry and religious criticism in Portugal in the late eighteenth century

Sérgio Campos Matos
Tradition and Modernity in the first Portuguese Liberal Political Culture –on the topic of the constitution

Ana Isabel Queiróz; Daniel Alves
Local responses to a global invasive species. Shifting reasons to control the Argentine ant on the Madeira archipelago (1850-2014)


Pesquisas e debates

Bruno Cardoso Reis
Two South Africans in the Portuguese Wars of Decolonization (1961-1975): it could have been better, it could have been worse


Resenha de livros

Maria João Branco
Marques, André Evangelista. Da Representação Documental à Materialidade do Espaço. Território da Diocese de Braga (séculos IX-XI), Colecção Teses Universitárias, nº 6, Santa Maria da Feira: Edições Afrontamento/CITCEM, 2014, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-972- 36-1389-6

Malyn Newitt
Utopia in Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone African Countries, Francisco Bethencourt (ed.). Bern: Peter Lang, 2015, 312 pp. ISBN 978-3-0343-1871-6

David Castaño
Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro de. A Grande Guerra de Afonso Costa. Lisbon: Publicações Dom Quixote, 2015, 527 pp. ISBN: 978-972-20-5877-3

Alexander Ponsen
David Martín Marcos, José María Iñurritegui, and Pedro Cardim, eds. Repensar a identidade: O mundo ibérico nas margens da crise da consciência europeia. Lisboa: CHAM, 2015.ISBN: 978-989-8492-28-9

Jean-Frédéric Schaub
Bruno Feitler, The Imaginary Synagogue: Anti-Jewish Literature in the Portuguese Early Modern World (16th-18th Centuries), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2015, 216 pp. ISBN13: 9789004264106

Fernando Dores Costa
Through Spain with Wellington. The Letters of Lieutenant Peter Le Mesurier of the 'Fighting Ninth'. Adrian Greenwood (ed.). The Hill, Stroud, Gloucestershire: Amberley Publishing, 2016, 272 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4456-5456-0

Luís Frederico Antunes
Salvador da Bahia: retratos de uma cidade atlântica. Evergton Sales Souza, Guida Marques and Hugo R. Silva (eds.). Salvador, Lisbon: EDUFBA, CHAM, 2016, 343 pp. ISBN: 978-85-232-1460-9 (EDUFBA) 978-989-8492-35-7 (CHAM)

José Miguel Sardica
David Justino, Fontismo. Liberalismo numa Sociedade Iliberal. Lisbon: Publicações Dom Quixote, 2016, 471 pp. ISBN 978-972-20-5933-6