Volume 8, Número 1, Verão 2010




Cláudio DeNipoti
Libraries and the book trade in Portugal – the papers of Marino Miguel Franzini

Isilda Braga da Costa Monteiro
The military in the Chamber of Deputies 1851-1870 – corporative lines of action in defense of the army

Alexandre Mendes Cunha
Police Science and Cameralism in Portuguese Enlightened Reformism: economic ideas and the administration of the State during the second half of the 18th century

Francisco Vieira; Helena da Silva; Pedro Pinto
Evolution of Nursing Education in Portugal – a historical analysis of the Nursing School at the Hospital Geral de Santo António in Porto (1896-1947)


Artigos de revisão


Denise Moura
Romeiro, Adriana. Paulistas e emboabas no coração das minas: idéias, práticas e imaginário político no século XVIII. Ed. UFMG, 2008. ISBN: 978-85-7041-701-5


Pesquisas e debates


Resenha de livros


Zoltán Biedermann
Portuguese Encounters with Sri Lanka and the Maldives: Translated Texts from the Age of the Discoveries, edited by Chandra R. de Silva, Ashgate, 2009. ISBN:978-0-7546-0186-9

C. Gaston Perera, The Portuguese Missionary in 16th and 17th Century Ceylon: The Spiritual Conquest, Vijitha Yapa Publications, 2009. ISBN: 978-955-665-046-4

Liam Matthew Brockey
Timothy Brook, Vermeer's Hat. The Seventeeth Century and the Dawn of the Global World, Bloomsbury Press, Profile Books, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-8466-8120-2

Giuseppe Marcocci
Stuart B. Schwartz, All Can Be Saved: Religious Tolerance and Salvation in the Iberian Atlantic World, Yale University Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-3001-2580-1

António Manuel Hespanha
Marta Lorente, La Nación y las Españas. Representación y territorio en el constitucionalismo gaditano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-8344-173-2

Instituições e pesquisas

Jorge Flores and Norman Fiering
Portuguese and Brazilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library,1537 to 1839