The Mayors of Vila Nova de Gaia (1834-2019)

Fernando de Sousa, Ricardo Rocha, Diogo Ferreira, Isilda Monteiro

Municipality of Gaia

This two-volume work presents the biographies of the more than fifty individuals who, over nearly two centuries, from the re-founding of the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia in 1834 to the present day, have led its municipal government, highlighting the activities carried out during their respective mandates. The biographies are preceded by an extensive study that includes, among other aspects, a historical note on the Municipality of Gaia, from the granting of its first charter in 1255 to the foundation of the modern municipality in 1834, and the successive changes to its geographical boundaries. It also covers the legal framework of Gaia’s City Council and its mayors, addressing their duties and powers in light of the legislation produced during this period, as well as the evolution of their degree of autonomy; the acquisition and duration of their respective mandates; and the individual and collective characterization of the mayors, considering the number and duration of mandates, geographical and socio-professional origins, age at inauguration, and political career.

Note: Due to publication rights, we can only offer a preview of the book. The full book is available in bookstores and at CEPESE’s Library, free of charge.