War in Ukraine: the fundamental right to Health and political challenges of international humanitarian law

Catarina SantosFernando Campos

The war and violence that have prevailed in Ukraine since February 2022 have become a scourge
for the population in this country. Civilian populations, men, women, and children have been the main
victims of attacks inflicted by Russia. The situation has become more and more astonishing, with attacks
ranging from bombings to residential areas to hospitals and maternity wards. That said, the question that
arises in this regard is the lack of timely assistance to parturients and their babies, configuring an attack on
1 Universidade Lusófona/Lisboa/Portugal.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7778-8930. Email: fernando.campos@ulusofona.pt
2 Mestranda de Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais da Universidade Lusófona/Lisboa/Portugal.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7192-7573. Email: catarinasantos281@outlook.pt
18 População e Sociedade
fundamental rights – life and health. In this sense, to mitigate the damage caused in Ukraine by the Russian
State, International Law emerges to protect the dignity and integrity of Ukrainian citizens. In addition to the
essential work carried out by the UN, through UNHCR, UNICEF, as well as by the WHO and the NGO Doctors
Without Borders, without devaluing the other entities that participate. Given the aforementioned, this article
intends to respond to the violations committed by the Russian State in terms of the bombings carried out on
Ukrainian medical infrastructure and how to act at an international level, to avoid more lives lost